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Want to sell to the government, but it's just too hard?

Warehouse Team in Meeting


Get to Know Us

An airdrop was a method of resupply developed during World War II to provide weapons, equipment, and humanitarian aid to otherwise inaccessible troops and civilians. In a similar way, U.S. Airdrop, LLC exists to help small and medium businesses sell their products and services to what can feel like an otherwise inaccessible big government. Selling to the government is hard, we do it for you so that you can focus on what you do best - making great products and services.

Our mission: empower businesses to sell to the government by simplifying the procurement process  

Right Products

We evaluate government requests for proposals, including their specific detailed requirements, to make sure the products you have in inventory or the services you provide are exactly what the government is looking to purchase. 

Right Prices

We study recent purchase histories and fair market values of products and services so that we bid at the right prices - to win and make a profit for everyone. 

Delivered the Right Way

We ensure products and services are delivered on time and in accordance with all the government contracting rules.

Meet the Team


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